复合式过热蒸汽疏水阀 Combined overheated sream trap 产品介绍:SH系列内带集水仓的倒置桶过热蒸汽疏水阀专门用来克服过热,高压,小负荷等多种不力因素。集水仓存集足够的凝结水,保证在整个排放周期能够保持水封。密封的小杯在集水仓中起密封调节作用。 结构特点: 1、耐磨损,耐腐蚀,耐水击。 2、*的杠杆机构将桶提供的力充分放大,可在系统压力下开启阀门。 3、排放孔通过水封保护可防止新鲜蒸汽泄漏。桶上的小孔可提供自动排空气。 4、倒置桶疏水阀不需要专门调节,凝结水不会存积造成水击。 安装建议:通常在过热高压小负荷工况下,在集水管和疏水阀内只是极少的凝结水产生。因此,选择适当的管道及集水管尺寸是正确使用过热蒸汽疏水阀的关键。 Introduction:SH inverted bucket steam trap is especially designed to solve the problems of overheating,high pressure and small load.The sufficient condensed water stored in the water storage chamber can ensure the sealing during the whole period of discharging .The small cup play adjustable role in water storage chamber. Structure:1.Boasting excellent abilities to resist abrasiveness,corruption and water 2.Unique lever structure will fully magnify the power provided by bucket.The valve will be opened under system pressure ; 3.Discharging pore which is sealed can protect the fresh steam from leakge.The pore on the bucket can provide automatic gas discharging. 4.The inverted bucket trap does not need special adjustment and the condensed water will not be stored to cause water beating. Suggestions:on installation :Under the overheated pressure,there’s little condensed water produced in the catchment pipelines and trap.Therefore,to choose appropriate pipelines and size of catchment pipelines is the key to correctly use the overheated trap. 主要零件材料和性能参数 Main parts and specifications 主要零部件材料表 Main parts materials | Body 阀体 | 1Cr18NNi9Ti | 性能参数 Performance parameter | SH64P | 6.4MPa | Main valve seat 主阀座 | Tungsten chromium cobalt alloy 钨铬钴合金 | SH100P | 10.0MPa | The duplicate velvet/floats the cup 复阀、浮杯 | 1Cr18NNigTi | Highest working temperature zui高工作温度 | 500℃ | 进水管 进气管 | Stainless Steel 不锈钢 | Higest pemissible temperature zui高允许温度 | 技术参数表 Technological paramerter date  Model 产品型号 | Nominal diameter 公称通径(DN) | Connection 连接方式 | Pressure Rating(MPa) 使用压力 | Max allowable TMP(℃) zui高允许温度 | Exterma dimensions(mm)外型尺寸 | H | W | CS15Y-64P-SH | 15~25 | Thread螺纹 | 0.01`6.4 | 480 | 300 | 112 | CS45Y-64P-SH | Flange 法兰 | 480 | 300 | 112 | CS65Y-64P-SH | Socket weld 承插焊 | 480 | 300 | 112 | CS45-100P-SH | Flange 法兰 | 0.1~10.0 | 420 | 350 | 112 | CS65-100P-SH | Socket weld 承插焊 | 420 | 350 | 112 | 建议的蒸汽主管及支管尺寸 | M | D | H-及水管zui小长度mm | 蒸汽主管尺寸 | 及水管尺寸 mm | 控制升温 | 自动升温 | 15 | 15 | 250 | 710 | 20 | 20 | 250 | 710 | 25 | 25 | 250 | 710 | 50 | 50 | 250 | 710 | 75 | 75 | 250 | 710 | 100 | 100 | 250 | 710 | 150 | 100 | 250 | 710 | 200 | 100 | 300 | 710 | 250 | 150 | 380 | 710 | 300 | 150 | 450 | 710 | 350 | 200 | 530 | 710 | 400 | 200 | 600 | 710 | 450 | 250 | 685 | 710 | 500 | 250 | 760 | 760 | 600 | 300 | 910 | 910 | 维护与检修 疏水阀运行期一般为12个月,到期打开出口体清除脏物,清洗滤网,如介质杂质较多,可以酌情提前清洗。疏水阀由于使用过久可能有封闭不严现象,这时,要及时更换或维修(如维修:打开出口体,把阀盖卸下打开,检查阀片,阀座密封是否磨损。可以用600目金钢砂混机油在平台上研磨,达到电二件互为密封为止。) 故障现象 | 可能原因 | 解决方法 | 漏汽 | 1 .阀片、阀座的密封面严重磨损; | 研磨密封面,使其达到密封; | 2 .密封面上存有污垢或水锈 | 打开阀盖清除污垢或水锈 | 3 .阀前无凝结水、蒸汽过热 | 关闭疏水阀前截止阀 | 连续排水 | 阀盖没有拧紧或者阀盖有泄漏蒸汽直接进入控制,使阀片打不开。 | 旋紧阀盖或排除泄漏处,可用耐高温密封胶修补泄漏处 | ◇ 阀门类:【A】安全阀【D】蝶阀 电磁阀【F】放料阀【G】隔膜阀 管夹阀 过滤器【H】呼吸阀【J】 截止阀 减压阀【P】排泥阀 排气阀 排污阀 平衡阀【Q】球阀 切断阀【S】 疏水阀 水力控制阀【T】调节阀【X】旋塞阀【Z】闸阀 针型阀 止回阀 柱塞阀 阻火器。 
